Bulan ke-8
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2013
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2013
Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Pagi-pagi on the way ke kantor dengerin radio yang lagi ngebahas Madonna yang katanya mau nikah lagi sama lelaki berumur 24 tahun. Padahal Madonna itu udah berumur 50 tahun lho.
Me : "Kalo gw 10 tahun lebih tua dari lo, lo mau gak sama gw?"
Tomo : "Gak!"
Me : "iihhh.. tapi kan gueeee.. cuma beda umur aja"
Tomo : "Gak mau lah, kan gw carinya yang lebih muda"
Me : "hmm.. kalo gw 5 tahun lebih tua?"
Tomo : "Jangan maksa dee..."
Me : "kenapaa? kan cuma 5 tahuunnn. Gw mau kalo lo lebih muda dari gw 5 tahun"
Tomo : "Ya iyalaaah, kan gw ganteng!"
Me : #@^$!!!! *Toyor jidat nong-nongnya*
Posted on Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Quick posting aja nih dari calon ibu yang lagi galau...
Beli baby box itu bagusnya (dan hematnya) beli yang ukuran panjang berapa yah?
Yang ada di pasaran sekarang kebanyakan ukuran:
130 cm > sampe umur 2-3 tahun?
140-150 cm > sampe umur 5 tahun?
200 cm > ini sampe gede, kan sama kayak single bed ukurannya.
Perasaan banyak banget review-review clodi, stroller, n baby gear lainnya tapi kok saya cari gak ada yang pernah ngomongin baby box ya? Apakah kebanyakan gak pake baby box dan baby nya tidur di ranjang ortu?
Di jakarta pun saya lumayan kesulitan loh nyari baby box yang bagus (baca: bahannya kayu solid, bukan particle board). So far baru ketemu 2 macem: merek Babybelle dan merek-merek yang di jual di Mothercare. Tolong dong infonya kalo ada yang tau :)
Baby hampers. Kalo kalian boleh milih, mending dikasih ayam + telor + kue atau hampers yang isinya mug / handuk / dan perintilan imut-imut begitu?
Kalau saya sih mendingan dikasih ayam bisa dimakan, soalnya kalo dikasih souvenir biasanya "hilang" bersama souvenir-souvenir kawinan lainnya haha..
Makasih banget ya buat yang mo bantu ^_^
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2013
Posted on Monday, September 2, 2013
Dear Husband,
You know that I'm not a romantic.
I don't watch / read romantic stories.
For me romantic = cheesy
But... this time let me try to be a little bit romantic. Why? because this is the first time we celebrate your birthday as husband and wife (with little one in my belly ^^)
So this is for you, darling *muntah sedikit* *telen lagi*
50 Reasons Why I Love You:
1. Because you clean the house (hahahahhaa!)
-ok, very not romantic, but you have to at least appreciate me trying!-
-ok ok, serius sekarang-
2. Because you love me.
3. Because you love me and you show it.
4. Because you hold my hand every time we walk together (really, every time!).
5. Because you drive me everyday to office, go back to apartment to get your bike, and go to office (total of 2 hours of traffic).
6. And sometimes still accompany me taking breakfast eventho' it means getting you into more traffic.
7. Because you (sometimes) pick me up at office, eventho' it means you have to take permission from your boss (gak enak kan minta ijin terus).
8. Because you keep telling me that I'm pretty, eventho' I'm getting fat through this pregnancy.
9. Because you love my parents!
10. Because you are trying to get along with my wierdo dog who still see you as enemy :p.
11. Because you don't mind living with my parents after I gave birth.
12. Because you don't make me cook! nor force me to clean the house.
13. Because you are trying to cook ^^
14. Because you say "I love you" everyday.
15. Because you kiss me every night.
16. Because you don't mind me (sometimes) lazy to take shower :p
17. Because I know you like onion but you decide not to eat it because I hate it.
-ini kayaknya terpaksa ya, soalnya setiap kali lo makan bawang selalu gw katain bauuuu, terus gak mau deket2 hahaha-
18. Because you don't see other girl/woman when you are with me (atau gw nya aja yang gak sadar?)
19. Because you like and good with children.
20. and because of that I know you're going to be a good father.
21. Because you love God.
22. and always going to church (walopun gw-nya males :p)
23. Because you work hard.
24. and because you good at your work.
25. Because you love your job but still love me more *PeDe*
26. I know this because you never work late (teng-go guy!)
27. Because you close to your family.
28. Because you always ask my opinion before making a decision.
29. Because you let me play HayDay everday hahaha..
30. Because you don't mind me puke on you (literally)
31. and you even clean up my mess!
32. Because you always drop me at the lobby and not allow me walking from basement to lobby *berdoa supaya hal ini berlangsung terus gak cuman pas hamil aja :p*
33. Because you don't tell your friends about our personal life.
34. Because you can keep secret (not like we have any that important).
35. Because you are thinking about the future.
36. and plan the future (not just talking about it).
37. Because you read news (oftenly to often) so you keep up with what happen to the world. -walopun seringnya abis baca berita terus ngomel-ngomel -_-"
38. Because you loveeeeeeee fooooddddd. -gak kebayang deh kalo harus tinggal sama orang yang gak doyan makan / makannya lama, kayaknya gw bisa senewen sendiri ngeliatin dia makan.
39. Because you allow me to go out with my friends =)
40. Because you always there for doctor's appointment.
41. Because you're funny! and can always makes me laugh :D
42. Because you have a good voice. (dulu siiiiiiiih, sekarang gak tau yaaa.. abis udah males nyanyi lagi sihhh *toel-toel supaya gak males maen gitar lagi*)
43. Because you don't take alcohol/drugs/cigarettes.
44. Because just like me, you don't watch horror movie. (cemen yaah kitaaa)
45. Because you take charge in taking care of documents -pokoknya segala urusan dokumen lah, apartemenlah, rumahlah, KK lah, pokoknya segala tetek-bengek kehidupan hehe..
46. Karena lo bawel! never a dull moment :)
47. Because you always smile (sering cengar-cengir gak jelas haha)
48. Because you always update me with whatever you're doing through WA, so I never have to worry and look for you.
49. Because you sleep funny. Kadang ngigo, kadang kentut, kadang nepok-nepok tangan gw hahaha..
Now last not but not least.........
50. Because you're FINE with me not buying you anything for your birthday hahahahaha
-gini nih kalo ada maunya-