Bachelorette party / Hen's night / Bridal shower

Posted on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

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Yang kedua, saya ucapkan banyak-banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak sekali terima kasih kepada teman-teman saya yang telah menyiapkan sebuah...

OMG, it wasssssss....



NO! it was even better than amazing because semuanyaaa DIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka Do It Yourself, alias mereka buat itu sendiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Check out the fotos!!!

The Feast!
*Yum yum yum*

The tag and the gift fufufu...
*Please notice the straw on the left hand corner... notice the shape?*

DIY decoration
The very cute veil ^_^

I think these girls are crazzzzzzzyyy for making me all thissssssssssss.

The food was great (pork steak with mushroom sauce, who can complain!?).

The decor was amazing *again people, they are DIY. So she spent I don't know so many hours for me*

And the cake was... well, you decide how was it.. wkwkkwkw...
PS. Bisa muncrat beneran loh!!!

A very happy bride-to-be

And the best part is, she gather all my friends from all over the place to write me a note for my marriage, especially because they're all far away and cannot come to the wedding.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa crazyyyyyyyyyy

How can I ever repay you guysssssssssssssssss???

Thousands hugsssssss and kissesssssssss

Me and my three girls:

Me looking very happy:


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  1. NAWWWWWW MELLLLL WE'RE SO GLAD THAT U LOVED IT!!!!! Amoy sih te o pe koordinasi ini itu, enjoy the ride Bottttt we love youuuuuuuuu :*

    1. thank youuu fabbbbbb.. my friends are the best!!!!

  2. wawww mantap mantaapp :)) niat banget bikinin pesta nya :D btw itu bentuk cake nya LOL, itu bikin apa pesen cake nya? gua jd geli ngebayangin orang yg bikin bentuk cake nya hahahaha

    1. pesen say.. bgs bgt cakenya, bisa muncrat segala hahahaa

  3. Waaaaaaa.... Manteb mantebbbb... Itu juga diselenggarainnye di rumah ye?? Sip sip! Tapi jadi gak bisa dikerjain parah juga dong elunya? *dikerjain suruh ngapain yang bikin malu elu di seluruh mall maksudnya hahahaha*

    1. iye di rumah. untunglah jd gw gak perlu pake veil di muka umum haha

  4. enaknyaaa having ur bestfriend did all the stuff ^^
    jadi ga sabar ni menantikan my bridal shower with my girls too :)
    11 hari lagi, mel...gud luck for both of us :D

    1. iya nihhh... kapan bridal shower km? nanti di post yah hehehe
      Good luckkkkkkk girl!!

  5. Hwah tuh kue bikin gw speechless.

  6. hai melissa kunjungan balik nih :)sorry baru sempet BW

    asyik yah sekarang ada gituan hahahah, btw itu kuenya "nggak" banget hahaha

    kl mau kondom tipis boleh merk sagami (circle K) atau okamoto (watsons mana gt, gak semua toko ada) hehehe abaikan komen tak benar ini secara katolik gak boleh KB macem2 hahahaha tapi dr pd melendung lagi...
