Through the years..

Posted on Friday, August 29, 2014

-     - This is originally written on August 20, 2014 -

Yesterday was my parents 30th anniversary. If there is anything they taught me on keeping the marriage strong is to always have time for each other.

My mom is a working mother. She sits in the office from 9 -5. With Jakarta’s ruthless traffic, she has to go before 8 am and come home at 6 pm. My dad is a restaurant owner so he has more flexibility in time. Usually he works at 10 am – 3 pm, and again from 6 pm – 10 pm. Sometimes he goes for market shopping at 7 am. My mom works 5 times a week, while my dad works everyday (weekend is the busiest for restaurant).

Do you see the pattern here? How can they see each other with their schedule?

I must say.. it is often that my mom left before my dad gets up of bed, and comes home when my dad has left.

But one thing for sure, everyday they make time to see each other. My dad always wakes up early in the morning to see my mom off to office, and come back to sleep ha ha. My mom always wait for my dad before going to bed, eventho’ she really tired and sometimes fall asleep while waiting (in front of TV).

During weekend they always make time to go out, have dinner, groceries shopping; even if that means my dad has to leave his business during busy hour. And even if that means my mom has to wake up early to accompany my dad doing shopping to traditional market (hot, dirty, and wet kind of market).

Lesson 1: Always always always make time for each other

My family celebrate everything. I mean, we always have cakes for every birthday and anniversary. We never missed the cake. Never missed the blowing candle and cake cutting. We almost never missed eating birthday noodle, even in anniversary celebration.

Starting with yesterday (19 Aug) is my parent anniversary, another 2 weeks is Tomo’s birthday (30 Aug), another 1 week is my dad’s birthday (5 Sept), and ended by mom’s birthday 11 days after (16 Sept). Phewhh… 4 cakes checked for the next one month. xD~

Other than cakes, we almost always eating out. I said almost because yesterday we couldn’t go out since it fell on weekday and Grace needs to be ready in bed at 8 PM. But before Grace was born, we always eat out for birthday, even if it fall on weekdays. No need fancy and expensive restaurant. As long as we eat to celebrate together is enough.

Next is presents! I always receive present during my birthday even until now. Not only me, they also often give each other presents. Imagine being married for 30 years and every year they give each other presents! Even me who just married for 2 years didn’t give my husband present last year (shame on me, haha :p).

Lesson 2. Love and Celebrate

They have different view of sickness. My dad thinks that even small sickness requires medicine / goes to doctor. While my mom thinks that our body shall be able to heal itself and create antibody, thus no need medicine/doctor. That is why my dad is very fussy when any family member is sick, especially my mom. He will keep telling her to go to doctors and she will say no unless the condition is serious. Good thing is he keeps asking how she is until she is healed, or he will drag my mom to see doctor. And because my mom doesn’t like doctor (I think) so she keeps telling my dad to eat healthily, eat slowly, and drink supplement. Looking for each other health is one of their priorities. After all healthy body means happy family, and healthy family means happy marriage, right?

Lesson 3. Caring through good times and bad times


Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad
May your marriage always be blessed

Dinner at home


  1. hihihi.. nice post mel. :) jadi merasakan apa yang keluarga elo rasa (bahagia). hehehe.. Kel elo.. keluarga Jp banget. yang pasti hangout tiap sabtu minggu. trus kalau ultah pasti ada cake, makan diluar dan kado. :D tapi berbanding tebalik sama keluarga gua. hehehe.. yang ulang tahun beli mie goreng chinese food gitu trus makan sekeluarga dirumah. No ucapan selamat dan No kado. hahaha..

    1. wah masa ucapan selamat aja gak ada sih pi? kalo gw kayaknya bakalan ngambek tuh kalo sampe gak diucapin orang serumah hahaha.. tp gw biasanya pengumuman sih kl bsk ultah biar semua org inget :p

    2. iya bener. hahahahahaa.. :D makanya udah biasa aja. hahaha..

  2. happy anniversary ya buat bokap nyokap lu..
    celebration itu emang penting!!! :)

  3. Happy Anniversary buat bonyok loe Mel, emang hidup perkawinan tuh selain komitmen butuh toleransi dan bonyok loe bisa begitu selama 30 thn bagus loh...

  4. Happy Anniversary ya buat papa dan mama Mel :)
    So sweet banget ya yg bagian nganterin berangkat kerja dan nungguin plg baru tidur hehehe

    1. hahaha iya tuh, kebiasaan dari dulu kali yaa. kalo gak ditungguin gak sempet ketemu dong hehe

  5. happy anniversary ya buat papa mamanya... itu eventnya berurutan semua, kayak gua hahahaha... akhir okt gua ultah, awal nov wedding anniversary gua, akhir nov laki gua ultah hahaha... ntar anak gua lahiran bulan okt juga... ga berenti2 dah ngerayainnya...

    1. kalo akhir taun jadi excited ngerayain bday dan dapet kue yah mel hihihhi

  6. Happy anniversary ya om dan tante. Kl dikeluarga gue tiap ada yg bday cuma masak mie goreng tanpa kado hihihi berarti sampe skrg udah ada grace tetep dpt kado mel?

    1. tetep donggg.. tapi kadonya berubah jadi amplop merah wkwkwkwkwk

  7. Wahhh nice post mel, happy family banget yaa keluarga loe
    kok bisa yaa berurutan gt yaa perayaannya , jadi tiap taon loe pasti kebanjiran Cake donk yaa hahhahha

    1. kalo akhir taon doang kebanjiran cake nih hihihi...

  8. Family lu sama kayak keluarga gue. Bday penting banget hrs ada tiup lilin n makan2. Kalo keluarga suami ngga! Malah mereka baru rutin beli kue pas bday sejak gue masuk ke dalam keluarga. Hahahaha.

    Selamat ya Mel buat semua perayaan beruntun di keluarga elu. Semoga semuanya sehat selalu dan banyak rejeki. Amin!

    1. Bagus dong Le sejak ada lo mereka jadi ngerayain. Perayaan itu penting supaya keluarga makin lengket! :D

  9. Selamat ultah buat papanya yah Mel. Samaan di keluargaku juga si mami sama adeku ultahnya beda 4 hari di januari, februari lanjut adeku yg ke2 maret adeku yg kecil hahaha.. 3 bulan 4 kue juga.

  10. Tradisi ini yang akan gw bawa ke keluarga kecil gw nanti.. Selebrasi hehe :D Seruu banget sih emang dan pasti bikin lebih deket satu dgn yg lain yah :D

    Banyak selamat ut semua perayaannya yah Mel :D

  11. happy anniversary dan selamat utk event2 lainnya yah ce, moga selalu diberkati Tuhan seluruh anggota keluarganya :)
    dirumahku jg wajib masak mie and makan2 besar kalo ada perayaan, tapi gada kado2nya hehe
