No boss in the world is better than mine

Posted on Thursday, September 27, 2012

Story 1:

Me: "Boss, I need to ask for leaves.." *takut-takut nyodorin form cuti*

Bos: "Ok.. for how long?"

Me: "A week, Sir."

Bos: "WHATT?!" *dengan nada tinggi sebelom liat form cuti*

Me: "It's for my wedding, Sir."

Bos: "Oh okay..." *nadanya turun. Akhirnya dibaca form cutinya*
         "Marital leaves.. I see... Are you sure one week is enough?"

Me: ... *Melongo*
FYI, saya kerja baru 2.5 bulan dan mau minta banyak cuti

Me: "I think so, Sir. Maybe I need add one day just before the wedding"

Bos: "Take two weeks! In India... bla bla bla.." *cerita deh tentang Indian marriage yang surprisingly masih banyak yang arranged*

Walaupun di tawarin untuk cuti 2 minggu, tapi saya rasa gak perlu. Jadi saya tetep ngajuin untuk 1 minggu setelah wedding (for honeymoon donggg).

Story 2:

A week after the first story.

Me: "Boss, apparently I need to ask for another leaves. I'm sorry I thought I don't need to but a lot of preparation I need to do on weekdays, like church rehearsal, technical meetings, and so on" *ngejelasin panjang lebar*

Bos: "HAHH another leavessss? NO NO YOU CAN'T!"

*Me shocked T__T*

Bos continues, "You will be unpaid. You should come in the morning for finger print (absent) and then you go at 12 o'clock. Or if you can't you better get some medical certificate. That way the company will still pay you"

Me: "Really? But then I have to leave at 11..."

Bos: "It's ok. As long as you take absent in the morning. I won't tell anyone."

Me: "Thank youuuuuuuu, Sirrrrrrrrrrrrr ^____________^"
*dalam hati pengen muah muah tapi takut sama kumisnya LOL*

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  1. boss u sih superr pengertian mel :)you are so lucky

    Huaah mendekati hari H ya, semangaaat mel.

    1. hahaha iya nih :)
      Semangaat for you tooo.. ^^

  2. hbahaha... bos-nya india ya? owner ato bukan? tumben2an ada boss ngasih saran cari surat keterangan sakit..

    1. iya india. Tapi bkn owner, semacem division headnya.
      Mungkin org india sama2 "bandel" ya kayak org indo jadi besok2 bisa kerja sama :p

  3. Ati-ati abis wedding, lo diminta uang tutup mulut, Mel. :p
    nggak nggak... becanda.... hihihihihi
