The Church: Document list
Posted on Friday, October 28, 2011
My bf took a day off yesterday and he went to the church. As agreed before we chose the Chapel than the church. The ceremony will be held at 10 AM. The thing that worries us is that the guests will have trouble to find parking spot due to the Sunday mass which is held at 9 AM and 11.30 AM. Hm... what can we do, we just have to deal with it if we want to have the ceremony on Sunday.
We were thinking of having lunch buffet after the ceremony in the Church's auditorium. The rent costs IDR6.5 mil (2011). I think it covers electricity and air conditioner.
Here is the list of documents need to be submitted:
PS: I have to post it in Indonesian, because I do not know most of the term in English (sorry).
u/ KPP (Kursus Persiapan Pernikahan) :
1. Foto 4x3 3 lembar
2. Fotokopi surat baptis
3. Membayar biaya administrasi
u/ Kanonik : (max 6 bulan sebelum pernikahan karena expired setelah 6 bulan)
1. Foto 4x6 berdampingan 3 lembar
2. Fotokopi KTP
3. Fotokopi KK katolik
4. Fotokopi KTP saksi di altar
5. Fotokopi sertifikat KPP
6. Surat Permandian yang diperbaharui